Math 1050: College Algebra

The Only Way To Learn Mathematics Is To Do Mathematics -Paul Halmos

Credit Card Debt Assignment 

What have you learned from the assignment? 

I learned from the credit card debt assignment to only use credits cards ONLY if you need them. I do know you do need to use credits cards in order to build credit, so you can qualify for big purchases like homes or cars. Having good credit really means you can be responsible with access to money. Probably the biggest thing I learned from the assignment although it may seem convenient to do the minimum payment do more and make it goal to pay credits cards ASAP.

How can this math from this activity be applied to other real life situations? Give examples.


I can apply the math I learned from this activity with my current credit cards. As soon as I was done with this project I evaluated my current credit cards and doing way more than the minimum. I had no idea exactly how much credit card companies make off interest. I set up a pay plan to pay them off with in 4 months. I by far do not have a crazy amount of credit card debt, but I have not prioritized paying them off quickly.

Which Mathematical concepts were included in the activity, and how did this activity increase your understanding of the mathematical concepts(s)?

Natural log was used, an interest formula, and basic addition/subtraction.  This project really showed me how math can be used in ever day to help you such as prioritizing paying off credit cards.